The Messenger OST - Disc I: The Past
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As a demon army besieges his village, a young ninja ventures through a cursed world, to deliver a scroll paramount to his clan’s survival. What begins as a classic action platformer soon unravels into an expansive time-traveling adventure full of thrills, surprises, and humor.
First born from the mind of an 8 year old kid from the 90s who never got over Ninjas, The Messenger is a celebration of good old retro-platforming. Created by a core team of 8 people gathered around the idea of capturing what made the classics great, Sabotage spent its first two years of operations developing its own ‘definitive edition’ of this beloved genre. Leveraging expectations as a main ingredient, the vision for The Messenger was to create an experience that would deceive with its simplicity at first sight, later taking players on an epic journey of time travel supported by 8bit to 16bit real-time transitions, while also delving into philosophy and storytelling on a scale unexpected from the premise.
Los Angeles,
Los Angeles,
Los Angeles,
Los Angeles,
Los Angeles
Los Angeles,
"The 25 Best Nintendo Switch Games"
"I can't remember being this excited about an indie platformer since Shovel Knight."
"Le top 10 des meilleurs jeux vidéo auxquels Pixels a pu jouer à l’E3, le salon de Los Angeles"
"The Messenger Could be the Next Shovel Knight"
"The Messenger stands apart from decades of Ninja Gaiden wannabes by presenting players with the tightest controls I've ever encountered in a game of this style."
"Tight controls define this retro homage to Ninja Gaiden"
"De quoi faire saliver tous les nostalgiques du genre"
The Messenger's epic story continues on in a summer vacation DLC full of tropical action! On Voodkin Island, the demon Barma’thazël captured helpless little creatures to use them in his dark rituals…